Decatur is a wonderful mix of small-town appeal and big city sophistication. It harmonizes education and urbanization. There are homes, churches, parks, ice cream parlors, bike trails and train stations. It’s friendly, accessible, neighborly, fun, enjoys plenty of nature, and hosts one of the country’s biggest book festivals.
A beautiful and culturally diverse city, “The Square” is the heart and soul of the community. From the old courthouse to award-winning restaurants, from schools and families to parks, libraries, colleges, and old-time candy stores, Decatur is unique and true to its own identity.
Just a short ride east on MARTA from downtown Atlanta, you are transported to a lovely rail station and delightful plaza where you’re surrounded by outstanding coffee, energizing camaraderie, an astonishing selection of great beer, imaginative bookstores, gyms, playgrounds, and places to stroll.
At 215 Church Street stands a stunning example of Streamline Moderne architecture and one of only two buildings of its kind in the city — The Blair Building, built in 1939 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. An office building for more than 80 years, The Blair continues to provide private offices for like-minded and engaged professionals.
For those who value neighborhoods as an amenity to their office, they’ll find themselves right at home. For those who want an office in their neighborhood, The Blair Building is a perfect place to call your own.
We hope you will join us.